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Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Toughest interview questions with answers

1. Why do you want to work in this industry?

Bad answer:

“I love to shop. Even as a kid, I spent hours flipping through catalogues.”

Don’t just say you like it. Anyone can do that. Focus instead on your history with that particular industry, and if you can, tell a success story.

Good answer:
“I’ve always loved shopping, but my interest in retail marketing really started when I worked at a neighborhood boutique. I knew our clothes were amazing, but that we weren’t marketing them properly. So I worked with management to come up with a marketing strategy that increased our sales by 25% in a year. It was great to be able to contribute positively to an industry I feel so passionate about, and to help promote a product I really believed in.”

2. Tell us about yourself.

Bad answer:
“I graduated four years ago from the University of Michigan, with a Bachelor’s in Biology – but I decided that wasn’t the right path for me. So I switched gears and got my first job, working in sales for a startup. Then I went on to work in marketing for a law firm. After that, I took a few months off to travel. Finally, I came back and worked in marketing again. And now, here I am, looking for a more challenging marketing role.”

Instead of giving a chronological work history, focus on your strengths and how they pertain to the role. If possible, illustrate with examples.

Good answer:
“I’m really energetic, and a great communicator. Working in sales for two years helped me build confidence, and taught me the importance of customer loyalty. I’ve also got a track record of success. In my last role, I launched a company newsletter, which helped us build on our existing relationships and create new ones. Because of this, we ended up seeing a revenue increase of 10% over two years. I’m also really interested in how companies can use web tools to better market themselves, and would be committed to building on your existing platform.”

3. What do you think of your previous boss?

Bad answer:
“He was completely incompetent, and a nightmare to work with, which is why I’ve moved on”

Remember: if you get the job, the person interviewing you will some day be your previous boss. The last thing they want is to hire someone who they know is going to badmouth them some day. Instead of trashing your former employer, stay positive, and focus on what you learned from him (no matter how awful he really was).

Good answer:
“My last boss taught me the importance of time management – he didn’t pull any punches, and was extremely deadline-driven. His no-nonsense attitude pushed me to work harder, and to meet deadlines I never even thought were possible
4. Why are you leaving your current role?

Bad answer:

“I can’t stand my boss, or the work I’m doing.”

Again, stay away from badmouthing your job or employer. Focus on the positive.

Good answer:
“I’ve learned a lot from my current role, but now I’m looking for a new challenge, to broaden my horizons and to gain a new skill-set – all of which, I see the potential for in this job.”

5. Where do you see yourself in five years?

Bad answer:
“Relaxing on a beach in Maui,” or “Doing your job.”

There’s really no right answer to this question, but the interviewer wants to know that you’re ambitious, career-oriented, and committed to a future with the company. So instead of sharing your dream for early retirement, or trying to be funny, give them an answer that illustrates your drive and commitment.

Good answer:
“In five years I’d like to have an even better understanding of this industry. Also, I really love working with people. Ultimately, I’d like to be in some type of managerial role at this company, where I can use my people skills and industry knowledge to benefit the people working for me, and the company as a whole."

6. What’s your greatest weakness?

Bad answer:
“I work too hard,” or for the comedian, “Blondes.”

This question is a great opportunity to put a positive spin on something negative, but you don’t want your answer to be cliché – joking or not. Instead, try to use a real example of a weakness you have learned to overcome.

Good answer:
“I’ve never been very comfortable with public speaking – which as you know, can be a hindrance in the workplace. Realizing this was a problem, I asked my previous employer if I could enroll in a speech workshop. He said “yes.” I took the class, and was able to overcome my lifelong fear. Since then, I’ve given lots of presentations to audiences of over a 100 high level executives – I still don’t love it, but no one else can tell!”
7. What salary are you looking for?

Bad answer:

“In my last job I earned $35,000 – so, now I’m looking for $40,000”

If you can avoid it, don’t give an exact number. The first person to name a price in a salary negotiation loses. Instead, re-iterate your commitment to the job itself. If you have to, give a broad range based on research you’ve conducted on that particular role, in your particular city.

Good answer:
“I’m more interested in the role itself than the pay. That said, I’d expect to be paid the appropriate range for this role, based on my five years of experience. I also think a fair salary would bear in mind the high cost of living here in New York City.”

8. Why should I hire you?

Bad answer:
“I’m the best candidate for the role.”

A good answer will reiterate your qualifications, and will highlight what makes you unique.

Good answer:
“I’ve been an Executive Assistant for the past ten years – my boss has said time and time again that without me, the organization would fall apart. I’ve also taken the time to educate myself on some of the software I regularly use (but didn’t really understand the ins and outs of). I’m an Excel wiz now, which means I can work faster, and take over some of what my boss would traditionally have had to do himself. What’s good enough for most people is never really good enough for me.”

9. What is your greatest failure, and what did you learn from it?

Bad answer:
I never finished law school – and everything that’s happened since has taught me that giving up, just because the going gets tough, is a huge mistake.”

You don’t want to actually highlight a major regret – especially one that exposes an overall dissatisfaction with your life. Instead, focus on a smaller, but significant, mishap, and how it has made you a better professional.

Good answer:
“When I was in college, I took an art class to supplement my curriculum. I didn’t take it very seriously, and assumed that, compared to my Engineering classes, it would be a walk in the park. My failing grades at midterm showed me otherwise. I’d even jeopardized my scholarship status. I knew I had to get my act together. I spent the rest of the semester making up for it, ended up getting a decent grade in the class. I learned that no matter what I’m doing, I should strive to do it to the best of my ability. Otherwise, it’s not worth doing at all.”
10. How do you explain your gap in employment?

Bad answer:

"I was so tired of working, and I needed a break,” or “I just can’t find a job.”

Employment gaps are always tough to explain. You don’t want to come across as lazy or unhireable. Find a way to make your extended unemployment seem like a choice you made, based on the right reasons.

Good answer:
“My work is important to me, so I won’t be satisfied with any old job. Instead of rushing to accept the first thing that comes my way, I’m taking my time and being selective to make sure my next role is the right one."

11. When were you most satisfied in your job?

Bad answer:
"I was most satisfied when I did well, and got praised for my work.”

Don’t give vague answers. Instead, think about something you did well – and enjoyed –that will be relevant at this new job. This is an opportunity for you to share your interests, prove that you’re a great fit for the job and showcase your enthusiasm.

Good answer:
“I’m a people person. I was always happiest – and most satisfied – when I was interacting with customers, making sure I was able to meet their needs and giving them the best possible customer experience. It was my favorite part of the job, and it showed – I was rated as “Good or Excellent” 95% of the time. Part of the reason I’m interested in this job is that I know I’d have even more interaction with customers, on an even more critical level."

12. What did you like least about your last job?

Bad answer:
"A lack of stability. I felt like the place could collapse around me at any time.”

Try and stay away from anything that draws on the politics, culture or financial health of your previous employer. No matter how true it might be, comments like these will be construed as too negative. Also, you don’t want to focus on a function that might be your responsibility in the next role. So think of something you disliked in your last job, but that you know for sure won’t be part of this new role.

Good answer:
“There was nothing about my last job that I hated, but I guess there were some things I liked less than others. My previous role involved traveling at least twice a month. While I do love to travel, twice a month was a little exhausting – I didn’t like spending quite so much time out of the office. I’m happy to see that this role involves a lot less travel.”
10. How do you explain your gap in employment?

Bad answer:

"I was so tired of working, and I needed a break,” or “I just can’t find a job.”

Employment gaps are always tough to explain. You don’t want to come across as lazy or unhireable. Find a way to make your extended unemployment seem like a choice you made, based on the right reasons.

Good answer:
“My work is important to me, so I won’t be satisfied with any old job. Instead of rushing to accept the first thing that comes my way, I’m taking my time and being selective to make sure my next role is the right one."

11. When were you most satisfied in your job?

Bad answer:
"I was most satisfied when I did well, and got praised for my work.”

Don’t give vague answers. Instead, think about something you did well – and enjoyed –that will be relevant at this new job. This is an opportunity for you to share your interests, prove that you’re a great fit for the job and showcase your enthusiasm.

Good answer:
“I’m a people person. I was always happiest – and most satisfied – when I was interacting with customers, making sure I was able to meet their needs and giving them the best possible customer experience. It was my favorite part of the job, and it showed – I was rated as “Good or Excellent” 95% of the time. Part of the reason I’m interested in this job is that I know I’d have even more interaction with customers, on an even more critical level."

12. What did you like least about your last job?

Bad answer:
"A lack of stability. I felt like the place could collapse around me at any time.”

Try and stay away from anything that draws on the politics, culture or financial health of your previous employer. No matter how true it might be, comments like these will be construed as too negative. Also, you don’t want to focus on a function that might be your responsibility in the next role. So think of something you disliked in your last job, but that you know for sure won’t be part of this new role.

Good answer:
“There was nothing about my last job that I hated, but I guess there were some things I liked less than others. My previous role involved traveling at least twice a month. While I do love to travel, twice a month was a little exhausting – I didn’t like spending quite so much time out of the office. I’m happy to see that this role involves a lot less travel.”
10. How do you explain your gap in employment?

Bad answer:

"I was so tired of working, and I needed a break,” or “I just can’t find a job.”

Employment gaps are always tough to explain. You don’t want to come across as lazy or unhireable. Find a way to make your extended unemployment seem like a choice you made, based on the right reasons.

Good answer:
“My work is important to me, so I won’t be satisfied with any old job. Instead of rushing to accept the first thing that comes my way, I’m taking my time and being selective to make sure my next role is the right one."

11. When were you most satisfied in your job?

Bad answer:
"I was most satisfied when I did well, and got praised for my work.”

Don’t give vague answers. Instead, think about something you did well – and enjoyed –that will be relevant at this new job. This is an opportunity for you to share your interests, prove that you’re a great fit for the job and showcase your enthusiasm.

Good answer:
“I’m a people person. I was always happiest – and most satisfied – when I was interacting with customers, making sure I was able to meet their needs and giving them the best possible customer experience. It was my favorite part of the job, and it showed – I was rated as “Good or Excellent” 95% of the time. Part of the reason I’m interested in this job is that I know I’d have even more interaction with customers, on an even more critical level."

12. What did you like least about your last job?

Bad answer:
"A lack of stability. I felt like the place could collapse around me at any time.”

Try and stay away from anything that draws on the politics, culture or financial health of your previous employer. No matter how true it might be, comments like these will be construed as too negative. Also, you don’t want to focus on a function that might be your responsibility in the next role. So think of something you disliked in your last job, but that you know for sure won’t be part of this new role.

Good answer:
“There was nothing about my last job that I hated, but I guess there were some things I liked less than others. My previous role involved traveling at least twice a month. While I do love to travel, twice a month was a little exhausting – I didn’t like spending quite so much time out of the office. I’m happy to see that this role involves a lot less travel.”
10. How do you explain your gap in employment?

Bad answer:

"I was so tired of working, and I needed a break,” or “I just can’t find a job.”

Employment gaps are always tough to explain. You don’t want to come across as lazy or unhireable. Find a way to make your extended unemployment seem like a choice you made, based on the right reasons.

Good answer:
“My work is important to me, so I won’t be satisfied with any old job. Instead of rushing to accept the first thing that comes my way, I’m taking my time and being selective to make sure my next role is the right one."

11. When were you most satisfied in your job?

Bad answer:
"I was most satisfied when I did well, and got praised for my work.”

Don’t give vague answers. Instead, think about something you did well – and enjoyed –that will be relevant at this new job. This is an opportunity for you to share your interests, prove that you’re a great fit for the job and showcase your enthusiasm.

Good answer:
“I’m a people person. I was always happiest – and most satisfied – when I was interacting with customers, making sure I was able to meet their needs and giving them the best possible customer experience. It was my favorite part of the job, and it showed – I was rated as “Good or Excellent” 95% of the time. Part of the reason I’m interested in this job is that I know I’d have even more interaction with customers, on an even more critical level."

12. What did you like least about your last job?

Bad answer:
"A lack of stability. I felt like the place could collapse around me at any time.”

Try and stay away from anything that draws on the politics, culture or financial health of your previous employer. No matter how true it might be, comments like these will be construed as too negative. Also, you don’t want to focus on a function that might be your responsibility in the next role. So think of something you disliked in your last job, but that you know for sure won’t be part of this new role.

Good answer:
“There was nothing about my last job that I hated, but I guess there were some things I liked less than others. My previous role involved traveling at least twice a month. While I do love to travel, twice a month was a little exhausting – I didn’t like spending quite so much time out of the office. I’m happy to see that this role involves a lot less travel.”

13. Describe a time when you did not get along with a co-worker.

Bad answer:

"I’m easy to get along with, so I’ve never had any kind of discord with another coworker.”

Interviewers don’t like these types of “easy out” answers. And besides, they know you are probably not telling the truth. Think of a relatively benign (but significant) instance, and spin it to be a positive learning experience.

Good answer:
“I used to lock heads with a fellow nurse in the INCU ward. We disagreed over a lot of things – from the care of patients to who got what shifts to how to speak with a child’s family. Our personalities just didn’t mesh. After three months of arguing, I pulled her aside and asked her to lunch. At lunch, we talked about our differences and why we weren’t getting along. It turns out, it was all about communication. We communicated differently and once we knew that, we began to work well together. I really believe that talking a problem through with someone can help solve any issue.”
14. What motivates you?

Bad answer:

"Doing a good job and being rewarded for it.”

It’s not that this answer is wrong – it’s just that it wastes an opportunity. This question is practically begging you to highlight your positive attributes. So don’t give a vague, generic response – it tells them very little about you. Instead, try and use this question as an opportunity to give the interviewer some insight into your character, and use examples where possible.

Good answer:
“I’ve always been motivated by the challenge of meeting a tough deadline – in my last role, I was responsible for a 100% success rate in terms of delivering our products on time and within budget. I know that this job is very fast-paced, and deadline-driven – I’m more than up for the challenge. In fact, I thrive on it.”

15. How would your friends describe you?

Bad answer:

"I’m a really good listener.”

While being a good listener is a great personality trait, your employer probably doesn’t care all that much. It’s unlikely that they’re hiring you to be a shoulder to cry on. You’ll want to keep your answer relevant to the job you’re interviewing for – and as specific as possible. If you can, insert an example.

Good answer:
“My friends would probably say that I’m extremely persistent – I’ve never been afraid to keep going back until I get what I want. When I worked as a program developer, recruiting keynote speakers for a major tech conference, I got one rejection after another – this was just the nature of the job. But I really wanted the big players – so I wouldn’t take no for an answer. I kept going back to them every time there was a new company on board, or some new value proposition. Eventually, many of them actually said “yes” – the program turned out to be so great that we doubled our attendees from the year before. A lot of people might have given up after the first rejection, but it’s just not in my nature. If I know something is possible, I have to keep trying until I get it.”

Best preparation before interview

1. First of all, know who the company are and what they do. You’ll be asked, “Have you heard of us?” and it is better to be able to respond in the positive. You can use the Internet to find out something about them. It looks as if you haven’t prepared if you haven’t done this.

2. Make sure that you can remember what you did on your last few jobs. It doesn’t look good if you are asked what the project was on a job you worked on three years ago and you can’t even remember what the project did, or the name of it (been there).

3. Study up on the skills that you know that they are looking for. You may well be questioned or even tested on those skills. Sometimes it’s difficult to remember too much about something that you did two years ago, but you’re going to have to. You’ll have to swat up on it again.

4. Make sure that you are dressed well but not flashily. A suit is good, but a Rolex watch and big flashy rings aren’t. It goes without saying that an open-necked short with your chest hair hanging out will not look good (men or women).

5. Don’t set out for your interview in a Porsche or a sports car. If you have to, borrow someone else’s more sedate car. If you’re a contractor, you will probably earn more money than your prospective boss but don’t shove it in his face.

6. Don’t wait to leave home till five or ten minutes before you have to. You don’t want to be late. It’s the first rule of salesmen not to be late, and you are selling yourself, your services and your capabilities.

7. Find out from the agency if they have sent someone else there for an interview and ask them to find out what the interview and the interviewers are like. The agent will be willing to help you even if they have put someone else in. They are also likely to have spoken to the interviewers and can give you an opinion on them.

8. If you know someone at the site, contact them to get the rundown on the place and the people interviewing. You might be able to look on NamesFacesPlaces to see if there is anyone at the site that you know. Barring that, the agency might know someone there and allow you to talk to them before the interview. If the agent has had someone fail the interview, find out the reasons why.

9. Don’t go out on the booze the night before, or to an Indian restaurant. You’re likely to be nervous and might have had to rush to get there on time. You never know what is seeping through your pores and into the interviewer’s nostrils in the small enclosed room where you are being interviewed. Some non-intrusive aftershave or perfume might be good.

10. Convince yourself that you are the best person for the job and that they will be lucky to get you. Your confidence will come through. You will get this confidence through thorough preparation for the interview. There’s nothing more irritating than failing an interview through not being able to answer something that you should have known – especially if you have been out of work for a while.

Extra tip: Use the Internet to get as much background information as you can. Remember IBM, Sun, Microsoft, etc all have sites. Don’t do your Internet investigation the night before the interview. You might find more information than you can cope with, or you may have an ISP problem and get nothing at all.

HR interview quaries

What do you know about this organization?
You need to study the company website, job requirements, company press releases etc before going for the interview. A detailed answer shows you as a thorough person who takes his profession seriously and expresses your keenness in the job.

Do you have any friends or relatives working with us?
You need to know the employee policy towards relatives working in the company. If you are there through a reference, you need to know how you have been introduced by the referencing person.

How do you feel about your last manager?
You should not say anything negative or demeaning about your last manager. No one wants to be associated with a back biter!

What are your expectations from this job?
The answer should be a mix of points that show personal and professional growth as an individual while being the part of an organisation.

Where do you see yourself ten years from now?
Do not sound too ambitious... 'starting my own company' is NOT the right answer. You need to come across as a balanced individual who takes their career path seriously. Growing and handling more responsibility in the present work stream is probably a safer bet.  

If I was to call your previous HR Department, what would they have to say about you?
Credential checks are common. You need to sound confident and let the interviewer know that they will hear good things during these checks.

Have you any experience in handling a team?
If the role you are going in for is of Team Management, you need to emphasize on how good you are as a leader and mentor. In case the role is that of a team member and not a team leader, let the interviewer know that you are comfortable as a team leader as well as in a team member role, after all, every team leader is the member of another team!

How does your experience justify you for this post?
You should have understood the expectations from this new post and need to give specific points as to how you qualify for the same. After all, when an employer is ready to pay for a candidate with a certain experience, he needs to ensure the candidate understands what is expected as a result of that experience.

Why do you want to leave your present organization?
Never put down your past or present organisation. Personal and professional growth are good reasons for a job change, but back them up with the right points that the new job brings. Otherwise, these points look like normal reactions and will not leave a post impact on the interviewers.

Are you open to working weekends and flexible shifts?
The days of eight hours a day, five days a week, with gazetted holidays are over. If you want to grow professionally, you need to put in the hours and be available when expected. You need to come across as a person willing to be a team player and committed to the company's growth. The readiness to working weekends or flexible shifts when needed will give you that added advantage.

Can you relocate?
Make sure you know about the relocation requirements before you go if for the interview. Most companies prefer people who are flexible enough to relocate. You can always ask for a relocation compensation from the company, but make sure to bring up the compensation part during the interview.

Do you have any questions for me?
Make sure the questions you ask are not all about holidays, weekly offs and  compensatory offs. You do not want to come out as someone who is more concerned about time out than the actual work. 

Are you a team player or an individual performer?
You need to be both. If the job involves you being a team member, make sure your immediate past experience justifies the same.

Have you ever had to report someone for poor performance?
When you present the instance, do not mention the individual by name.

What is the most difficult part of your present job?
Make sure that you do not negate an individual or the organization. Try and put across a point that is tough to execute but is managed well by you.

What was the last book you read?
Be sure you have read and understood the book you mention. It does not need to be about self growth or related to your field of work. What is important is that you come out as a progressive individual. You also need to mention why you chose this book and the author.

How do you spend your time after work?
Please mention something more than Facebook, Twitter and television :) Activities that takes your mind off work and help in your growth as an individual are worth mentioning. 

Best body languages for interview

Shoulder Shrug Gesture

  • The shoulder shrug is also a good example of a universal gesture that is used to show that a person does not know or understand what you are talking about. It is a multiple gesture that has three main parts: exposed palms, hunched shoulders and raised brow.

The Ring or ‘OK’ Gesture

  • The ’OK’ meaning is common to all English-speaking countries and it means "All correct".

The Thumb-Up Gesture

  • In Britain, Australia and New Zealand the thumb-up gesture has three meanings, it is commonly used by hitch-hikers who are thumbing a lift, it is an OK signal, and when the thumb is jerked sharply upwards it becomes an insult signal, meaning ‘up yours’ or ‘sit on this’. In some countries, such as Greece, its main meaning is ‘get stuffed’.

Congruence (state of agreement)

Common critical evaluation cluster
  • We often see a high ranking politician standing behind a lectern with his arms tightly folded across his chest (defensive) and chin down (critical or hostile), while telling his audience how receptive and open he is to the ideas of young people.

How To Tell Lies Successfully

Child telling a lie

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Year of the tablet

Projected figures suggest devices such as iPads will overtake notebook sales for the first time next year.

The latest research by Digitimes shows that tablet shipments are expected to hit 210 million units by 2013 -- a 38.3 percent increase on this year's figures. Passing the 200

million mark will also take the devices past notebooks in terms of popularity. Notebook sales have so far suffered in 2012. Many people have been put off by the high prices of super-light, super-thin ‘ultrabook' portables while others have chosen to wait until after the release of Microsoft's Windows 8 operating system, which didn't hit the shops until November. However, figures from MIC, the China-based marketing intelligence and consulting company, show that although notebook sales should improve over the coming year, they're expected to peak at 205 million.
The most interesting figures in Digitimes's findings are those for Android tablets. The report predicts that 2013 will be the year that Google will start to capitalize on its Nexus devices, potentially selling as many as 19 million tablets. It also expects Apple's share of the market to fall significantly to 55.6 percent from more than 60 percent this year due to the growth of Android tablets from Google, Amazon, Samsung and white-box (ie, unbranded) manufacturers.
This growing demand for unbranded tablets could see Android surpass Apple's iOS as the tablet world's leading operating system (as for smartphones) within two years.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Top 15 needs before attending INTERVIEW

  • Be yourself! I can’t say this often enough. I just read a popular work advice blog (to remain nameless) and I saw one of the first bits of advice for job interviews was to prepare a slick presentation of yourself and wow them with it. Ouch! While this might perhaps be useful if you are interviewing for a high-powered sales job or maybe an industry like entertainment or advertising (although even there they want to see who they’re really hiring), for most of you doing that will simply trigger a red flag, leaving the interviewer wondering if you’re all bluster and no substance. Now I’m not saying to be all shy and gawky either (see next section), but real and conversational trumps one-dimensional & slick any time. (Since most places do ask a version of tell me about yourself, it helps to think about your answer ahead of time. But when the time comes just tell it as naturally and 3-dimensional as possible.)
  • Be confident in who you are and what you have to offer. Don’t spend time worrying if I think you’re right for the job and what I (the interviewer) am thinking at any given moment. Just know who you are and help me see that. Know that you are a good worker who is reliable and will go the extra mile when called on – or whatever your own strengths are. Everybody has their own unique strengths. I want to know what they are. So make sure you prepare yourself ahead of time to be able to talk about who you are and/or what you have to offer so that YOU believe it as much as you want them to. It shows.
  • Look me in the eyes. Not saying stare at me…but when you answer my interview questions, I want to see you connect with me. I’d like to see when your eyes show real enthusiasm about something you’ve accomplished or sincerity about wanting to do a good job for me. Now of course I make room for nervousness, but if I see eyes skittering all about unable to focus on me, how can I be sure you’re being real with me?
  • Tell me a good story. When I ask you about things you’ve done that you are proud of or obstacles you’ve overcome, I want you to have some stories to tell me. Did you ever take on a tough situation and turn it around? Did you ever come up with a new process that saved the company money? Did you ever encounter something you knew nothing about and make a point of becoming an expert? Like I said…tell me a good story. And make it real!
  • Sit up straight. Slouching comes off as lazy or uninterested. You want to use your body language to show me you’re someone who is fully engaged and can handle any situation – even one that makes them nervous. Job interviews are tough for most people, but you’ll think clearer and come off as a more attractive candidate just by having good posture and looking alive and alert.
  • Relax. I purposely listed this after my posture suggestion since some people go to extremes and sit like there’s a stick up their backside. When I interview people, I’m looking for someone who I want to work with on a daily basis. Too rigid would be a drag. Of course you don;t want to look like you’re ready for a nap either. Practice in front of a mirror to see how it feels when you sit up straight while also letting yourself relax a little.
  • Practice practice practice. Spend time before the job interview doing mock interviews with friends or family. You can also record yourself to hear your voice (good for phone interviews too) and if your voice sounds kind of weak, practice speaking with strength and commitment. Talk about something you really care about to see how you sound when you are relaxed and fully engaged. If you have access to video equipment, even better.
  • Know about the job and the company. So much is out there on the internet now, take time to do research beforehand – it will pay off. One sharp Work Coach Cafe reader wrote us that he learned about a recent merger the company was going through and used this information to his advantage. One warning from my own interview files: don’t get too personal! I went for an interview once and, in doing my research, learned the man taught at the same university I was consulting for. I thought it would break the ice to mention it, but he was NOT amused.
  • Make sure you know your own resume! Nothing casts more doubt on your veracity than having to glance through your resume to answer questions. And worse than that is actually giving different information than the resume contains. So study it carefully well before you go in. And always remember to bring a clean extra copy with you.
  • Show me you understand the job you’re interviewing for and have the skills. This sounds so basic, but I’ve had many people not even familiar with the terms in the job description. If there is anything you don’t know, look it up! And if there’s a skill you don’t have, research it a little so you can show how quickly you could pick it up.
  • Listen! More than anything I’ve mentioned so far, listening is a skill that can make or break you. Really listen to the questions and whatever the interviewer is saying to you. Don’t be thinking ahead or about other things while the interviewer is talking. It really does show. Just be in the moment.
  • Answer my questions. If I ask a question that you aren’t comfortable answering, it’s ok to answer briefly and maybe shift to a short story or related thought that leaves a good impression. But make sure you don’t just jump to something else trying to divert me from what I actually asked. It not only makes you look like you’re hiding something, but it leaves the impression that you might be slippery to work with. And don’t go on for too long with any one answer. No one wants to work with a wind bag!
  • Come prepared with a few really good questions of your own to ask the interviewer. This is interviewing 101, but you’d be surprised how many people don’t have questions – or ask really lame ones like “”what’s the salary?” – especially when the salary was listed in the ad. (Not that it can’t be negotiated later on in the process.) It’s best to save questions like salary talk for the last interview (unless you only get one of course.) A great question shows you’re thinking about the work process or some of the interactions with other areas or what your typical day might be or something about the business/industry or anything that shows you are really thinking about more than just surface details. Try to come up with a question an average person wouldn’t ask. Best of all, I love it when someone asks a question that shows they were listening to me. Helps me see this is a person who can think on his or her feet.
  • Don’t forget to smile. I don’t mean to send you out looking like dazed idiots who just sit there smiling. But you are selling yourself and want the interviewer to know you’d be a pleasant person to work with. Many times I call people in who all could do the job. I’m looking to see if there’s a good fit and if we’d actually enjoy working with the person. Since you have no way of knowing what the place is really like, all you can be is yourself. It really is your best shot at getting to the next round and beyond.
  • When the job interview is over…stand up, smile, thank them, and shake hands if it feels appropriate. Then try to walk out without shaking too badly or falling. :) You made it!
Hope that helps even a little. Good luck! Oh…and feel free to share your interview stories and questions with us here at the cafe.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Bing grabs market share from Google

Software giant Microsoft’s search engine Bing has increased its share of the search market at the expense of Google, according to a new report. Experian Hitwise, an online data measurement company however revealed, that Google is still the most popular search engine, accounting for 65
percent of the US market. The latest data covering May 2012, however, said that the search giant’s share decreased on the year by five per cent from 68.1 percent.
It also revealed that Bing’s share increased by five per cent during the same period, rising to 28.1 percent from 26.79 percent last May, the Telegraph reports.
According to the report, Yahoo’s search engine, which has fused business operations with Microsoft, accounts for 14.9 percent of the share.
Experian Hitwise bases its monthly search share reports on a sample of ten million web users’ behaviour.
The figures, however, do not include mobile search data.

Monday, 2 July 2012

DC motor controller

A simple DC motor controller circuit using NE555 is shown here. Many DC motor speed control circuits have been published here but this is the first one using NE555 timer IC. In addition to controlling the motors speed its direction of rotation can be also changed using this circuit.
A PWM circuit based on timer NE555 is the heart of this circuit. NE555 is wired as an astable multivibrator whose duty cycle can be adjusted by varying the POT R1. The output of IC1 is coupled to the base of transistor Q1 which drives the motor according to the PWM signal available at its base. Higher the duty cycle the average voltage across motor will be high which results in higher motor speed and vice versa. Change of DC motor direction is attained using the DPDT switch S1 which on application just toggles the polarity applied to the motor.

Circuit diagram of DC motor controller.

DC motor controller using NE555
  • The circuit can be assembled on a Vero board or PCB.
  • Use 12V DC for powering the IC.
  • Vm is the power supply for motor and its value depends on the motors voltage rating. Any way maximum Vceo for BD139 is 80V and so Vm should not be exceeded 80 volts.
  • Maximum collector current BD139 can handle is 1.5A and so do not use a motor that consumes more than 1.5 amperes of current.
  • A heat sink is necessary for BD139.

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